Export Sales Assistant, Schörghuber Spezialtüren KG

„… not only is ‘Grant – the teacher’ worthwhile to associate with, but Grant’s personality and character makes the lessons so pleasant and motivational. Grant has a great knowledge and skill to evaluate participants, which gives him the ability to be exact and precise with his feedback. This has helped me learn and develop my own way of using my daily Business English skills.

Finally, Grant has a very positive, open and respectful entity. I have rarely met a person before with comparable qualities.

These characteristics were very often confirmed to me by the participants at Schörghuber. All participants enjoyed every lesson of the GK Speaking courses for the entire 2 years they were together.

Subsequently, I can warmly recommend Grant to anyone and any company who is seeking to improve their Business English in combination with Soft Skills Training.

I hope that GK Speaking continues its way upwards and I personally wish Grant Kitchen all the best for the future.“