

alpma hamberger heidenhain netzsch rosenberger schoerghuber

Was unsere Kunden sagen

Referentin Personalentwicklung bei Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG
"Die Firma Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG arbeitet seit 2015 erfolgreich mit GK SPEAKING zusammen. Grants aufgeschlossene und familiäre Persönlichkeit motiviert die Teilnehmer, sich für die englische Sprache und seine Kurse zu begeistern. Die Gestaltung eines abwechslungsreichen Unterrichts und die Art und Weise, wie er die Inhalte vermittelt, sind seine Stärken. Grant schafft es jeden Teilnehmer dem entsprechenden Leistungsniveau zuzuordnen und den Unterrichtsstoff teilnehmerspezifisch zu gestalten. Grant ist mittlerweile ein wichtiger Teil unseres Unternehmens und wird von allen Ebenen sehr geschätzt. Die rege Teilnahme am Unterricht, sowie die positive Resonanz der Mitarbeiter bilden den Grundstein für eine weitere, erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Abschließend können wir Grant jedem Unternehmen mit bestem Gewissen weiterempfehlen."
Referent Personalentwicklung Hamberger Industriewerke GmbH
"GK Speaking und die Hamberger Flooring GmbH arbeiten seit 3 Jahren zusammen. Herr Grant Kitchen führte für Auszubildende unserer Firma einen Englischkurs durch, der die vorhandenen Englischkenntnisse vertiefen und ausbauen sollte. Herr Grant Kitchen gestaltete die Kurse als lebendigen, praktischen und abwechslungsreichen Unterricht. Durch seine offene und aufgeschlossene Art konnte er sich sehr schnell auf neue Mitarbeiter und Situationen einstellen. Wir können Herrn Grant Kitchen mit bestem Gewissen weiterempfehlen und freuen uns auf weitere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit."  
Registered Psychologist Managing Director BSI Training & Development
"Grant’s ability to forge relationships with participants at all levels, engage their attention and motivate them to action, all while entertaining them has proven to be a real asset. Probably Grant’s greatest strength is in his ability to build rapport and lasting business relationships. I can strongly recommend him for whatever position he chooses to pursue."
Event Coordinator ACCA Australia and New Zealand The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
"On behave of ACCA Australia and New Zealand, we would like to extend our sincerest thank you for taking the time to generate deliver an exceptional and extremely insightful presentation which keep our participants engaged for the entire session. We have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our members and students regarding the quality of your presentation, and the way in which it was delivered. I am sure that all attendees learnt a great deal in becoming an effective communicator."
Executive Secretary, ALPMA Alpenland Maschinenbau GmbH
"... Firstly, Grant facilitated an intensive two week workshop to ALPMA installation mechanics who travel the world and use Business English on a regular basis. It is no easy feat to facilitate such a workshop as it is very intensive for the participants and their concentration levels. Not to my surprise Grant reached and exceeded my expectations with the workshop, ... Also during this period, Grant facilitated two coaching programs to our Sales and Spare Parts departments. It became obvious to ALPMA that Grant and GK Speaking was/is our 'go to' company when we require professional and results focused Business English and soft skills training... I can strongly recommend Grant and GK Speaking's Business English and Soft Skills training services to any multi-national company who is looking for a professional company with a track record in achieving successful results."
Export Sales Assistant, Schörghuber Spezialtüren KG
"... not only is ‘Grant – the teacher’ worthwhile to associate with, but Grant’s personality and character makes the lessons so pleasant and motivational. Grant has a great knowledge and skill to evaluate participants, which gives him the ability to be exact and precise with his feedback. This has helped me learn and develop my own way of using my daily Business English skills. Finally, Grant has a very positive, open and respectful entity. I have rarely met a person before with comparable qualities. These characteristics were very often confirmed to me by the participants at Schörghuber. All participants enjoyed every lesson of the GK Speaking courses for the entire 2 years they were together. Subsequently, I can warmly recommend Grant to anyone and any company who is seeking to improve their Business English in combination with Soft Skills Training. I hope that GK Speaking continues its way upwards and I personally wish Grant Kitchen all the best for the future."