Stretch your limits


Grant Kitchen’s inspirational book THE DREAM – A practical guide to achieving your life’s purpose is a book about following your dreams. It is about reaching for the stars and experiencing the truth.  THE DREAM is a practical, hands-on manual designed to help:

• Business professionals who are seeking to become entrepreneurs or are looking to realise their career goals;
• People who may be frustrated with their current life situation and would like something more;
• People who are asking the big questions in life ‘why am I here?’ and ‘how do I achieve it?’

This empowering book has now been transformed into life changing keynote presentations, intensive self-discovery workshops and one-on-one coaching programmes.
If you fit the above criteria and would like simple practical strategies and answers to these important life questions, then register for ‘The Dream Weekend Workshop’ and collaborate with a world leading author and motivational facilitator.